SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Reader/Writer

Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) reader and writer modules provide FME with access to attribute data held in SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database tables. FME provides read and write access via SAP's jConnect driver, which must be installed separately.

The jConnect driver can be found in the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise program folder, and is usually namedjconn4d.jar. SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise can be downloaded from SAP’s official webpage.

Note:jconn4.jarcan also be used ifjconn4d.jaris not available.

jconn4d.jarneeds to be placed in one of the locations that are added to the Java CLASSPATH when the Java Virtual Machine is loaded.

For help with installing the JDBC driver for FME, please seeGetting Started with JDBC.