MapInfo Vertical Mapper Grid (NGrid) Reader/Writer

Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The NGrid Vertical Mapper Reader/Writer module provides FME with access to data in the NGrid format.


NGrid is a binary raster format with header information. For each raster, there is only a single feature returned, since this feature will contain the entire raster. A single feature is stored in a single file, with header information in an associated MapInfo TAB file.

Reader Overview

The FME considers a single NGRID file to be a dataset. NGRID files are raster files containing elevation data. Each elevation sample in the file is translated to a three-dimensional (3D) coordinate that is stored in a single FME raster feature.

Note:FME does not directly support MapInfo Grid (.tab, .grd) files; however, the NGrid reader can read these files.

Writer Overview

FME will write each raster feature to a folder. FME overwrites any existing data contained in that folder. If the writer receives more than one feature, all the rasters are output to files identified by theirngrid_raster_filenameattributes. Header information for each raster is given to the NGrid writer as attributes on each raster feature.

The NGrid writer distinguishes duplicate output files by appending numbers to the filenames.

Please seeAbout FME Rastersfor details.

File Types

depe NGrid作家输出不同的文件类型nding on whether or not the raster contains a palette:

  • .grd: rasters that do not contain a palette
  • .grc: rasters that contain a palette

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