Writer Directives

The MOEP writer processes theDATASETandDEFdirectives as described in the Reader Directives section.

It does not use theIDsdirective.

The following table shows the supported global attributes for writing, and their default values, if available:

Attribute Name



Name of physical file within MOEP dataset.

Default:Feature type name with .bin appended


The size of integer used to represent each X and Y coordinate value within the MOEP file. This can be either 16 or 32, indicating 16-bit or 32-bit integers, respectively.

Z coordinates are always 16 bits, regardless of this attribute’s value.



An integer in the range 0..9 denoting the type of data this file contains.



An ASCII string 0 to 11 characters in length, providing a logical name for the file. This is stored in the file’s header; it typically contains a mapsheet ID.

Default:Feature type name


这个可选属性必须设置为yesorno. The default isno. If it isyes, a type 5 attribute record is written with each feature, even if it is empty.



The date of submission of the MOEP file. The format for this date is YYMMDD, where YY is the last two digits of the year, MM is the month (01-12), and DD is the day within the month (01-31).



The MOEP writer module uses this value to determine the origin from which 16-bit (X,Y) coordinates are measured. As features are written to the MOEP file, their minimum bounding rectangle is maintained; once the MBR is larger than MOEP_OFFSET_MINIMUM in both the X and Y directions, its centre point is chosen as the origin for all coordinates written to the file. This attribute has no effect on 32-bit coordinates, which are always measured from (0,0).
