Reader Directives

The suffixes listed are prefixed by the currentin a mapping file. By default, thefor the Microsoft Access reader isMDB_ADO.



This is the file name of the Microsoft Access Database.


MDB_ADO_DATASET c:/data/citySource.mdb

Workbench Parameter:Source Microsoft Access Database File(s)



The password used to access the database. It can be omitted for Access databases without password protection.

Please note that databases associated with a Microsoft Access workgroup are not supported.



Workbench Parameter:Password



The syntax of the definition is:

MDB_ADO_DEF  \ [mdb_where_clause] \ [] +


MDB_ADO_DEF  \ [mdb_sql_statement ] \

The<tableName>must match the name of an existing Microsoft Access table in the database. This will be used as the feature type of all the features read from the table. The exception to this rule is when using themdb_sql_statementdirective.In this case, theDEFname may be any valid alphabetic identifier; it does not have to be an existing table name – rather, it is an identifier for the custom SQL query. The feature type of all the features returned from the SQL query are given the query name.

The<fieldType>of each field must be given, but it is not verified against the database definition for the field. In effect, it is ignored.

The definition allows specification of separate search parameters for each table. If any of the per table configuration parameters are given, they will override, for that table, whatever global values have been specified by the reader directives such as theWHERE_CLAUSE. If any of these parameters is not specified, the global values will be used.

The following table summarizes the definition line configuration parameters:




This specifies the SQL WHERE clause applied to the attributes of the layer’s features to limit the set of features returned. If this is not specified, then all the rows are returned. This directive will be ignored if the mdb_sql_statement is present.


This specifies an SQL SELECT query to be used as the source for the results. If this is specified, the Microsoft Access reader will execute the query, and use the resulting rows as the features instead of reading from the table . All returned features will have a feature type of , and attributes for all columns selected by the query. The mdb_where_clause is ignored if mdb_sql_statement is supplied. This form allows the results of complex joins to be returned to FME.

If no<whereClause>is specified, all rows in the table will be read and returned as individual features. If a<whereClause>is specified, only those rows that are selected by the clause will be read. Note that thedoes not include the wordWHERE.

The Microsoft Access reader allows one to use themdb_sql_statementparameter to specify an arbitrary SQLSELECTquery on the DEF line. If this is specified, FME will execute the query, and use each row of data returned from the query to define at least one feature. Each of these features will be given the feature type named in the DEF line, and will contain attributes for every column returned by theSELECT. In this case, all DEF line parameters regarding aWHEREclause or spatial querying are ignored, as it is possible to embed this information directly in the text of the.

In the following example, the all records whose ID is less than 5 will be read from the supplier table:

MDB_ADO_DEF supplier \ mdb_where_clause "id < 5" \ ID integer \ NAME char(100) \ CITY char(50)

In this example, the results of joining theemployeeandcitytables are returned. All attributes from the two tables will be present on each returned feature. The feature type will be set tocomplex.





This optional specification is used to limit the rows read by the reader from each table. If a given table has nomdb_where_clauseormdb_sql_statementspecified in its DEF line, the global< ReaderKeyword > _WHERE_CLAUSEvalue, if present, will be applied as theWHEREspecifier of the query used to generate the results. If a table’s DEF line does contain its ownmdb_where_clauseorIDs


This optional specification is used to limit the available and defined database tables that will be read. If noIDsare specified, then all tables are read. The syntax of theIDsdirective is:

MDB_ADO_IDs  \  … \ 

The feature types must match those used in DEF lines.

The example below selects only theHISTORYtable for input during a translation:


Workbench Parameter:Feature Types to Read



This directive controls how the reader retrieves rows from the database. This must be a numeric value which must be greater than 0.

TheREAD_CACHE_SIZE用于确定的行数retrieved at one time into local memory from the data source. For example, if theREAD_CACHE_SIZEis set to10, after the reader is opened, the reader will read10rows into local memory. As features are processed by the FME, the reader returns the data from the local memory buffer. As soon as you move past the last row available in local memory, the reader will retrieve the next10rows from the data source.

This directive affects the performance of the reader, and will result in significantly degraded performance if incorrectly set. The optimum value of this directive depends primarily on the characteristics of individual records and the transport between the database and the client machine. It is less affected by the quantity of rows that are to be retrieved.

By default, theREAD_CACHE_SIZEis set to10. This value has been determined to be the optimal value for average datasets.

Workbench Parameter:Number of Records to Fetch At A Time

The syntax for this clause is:


Note:The<whereClause>does not include the word “WHERE.”

The example below selects only the features whose lengths are more than 2000:


Workbench Parameter

Where Clause


This parameter is applicable only when generating a mapping file, generating a workspace, or when retrieving schemas in an FME Objects application.

When set toyes, schemas for all of the tables and feature classes in the database are returned.

When set tono(or missing), and ifRETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMESis similarly set tono(or missing), only schemas requested by the IDs parameter are returned.




YES | NO (default)

NO:The reader will return the schemas for the feature types specified in the IDs. If no features are specified in IDs, then FME returns the schema features for all the tables.

If this value is not specified, then it is assumed to be No.

YES:Indicates to the reader to return all the schemas of the tables in the database.

Mapping File Syntax

Not applicable.

FME Objects applications would includeRETRIEVE_ALL_SCHEMASfollowed by “YES” in the parameters array passed toIFMEUniversalReader::open().

Workbench Parameter

Not applicable


This parameter is only applicable when generating a mapping file, generating a workspace or when retrieving schemas in an FME Objects application.

When set to yes, and ifRETRIEVE_ALL_SCHEMASis set to no (or missing), names for all of the tables and feature classes in the database are returned. When set to no (or missing), and ifRETRIEVE_ALL_SCHEMASis similarly set to no (or missing), the schemas requested by the IDs directive are returned.

Note:IfRETRIEVE_ALL_SCHEMASis also set to Yes, thenRETRIEVE_ALL_SCHEMAStakes precedence.




YES | NO (default)

Mapping File Syntax

Not applicable.

FME Objects applications would includeRETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMESfollowed by “YES” in the parameters array passed toIFMEUniversalReader::open().

Workbench Parameter

Not applicable (used when you browse a Table List)


This directive allows the selection of format attributes to be explicitly added to the reader feature type.

This is similar to exposing format attributes on a reader feature type once it has been generated; however, it is even more powerful because it enables schema-driven applications other than Workbench to access and leverage these attributes as if they were explicitly on the schema as user attributes.

The result of picking a list of attributes is a comma-separated list of attribute names and types that will be added to the schema features. Currently all reader feature types will receive the same set of additional schema attributes for a given instance of the reader.



Mapping File Syntax

Not applicable.

While it is possible for FME Objects applications to invoke this directive, the required format is not documented.

This directive is intended for use in our GUI applications (for example, Workbench) only.

Workbench Parameter

Additional Attributes to Expose