LandXML Reader/Writer

Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The LandXML Reader/Writer allows FME to read and write LandXML (Extensible Markup Language) documents.

LandXML is an XML-based survey exchange format. This document assumes that the reader has a good understanding of the LandXML format.

More information is available at

Element Types

This provides support for a restricted subset of LandXML version 1.1. Further support is planned for the future.

Each of the above elements in a LandXML document will result in one or more features being produced. Similarly, any feature written via the LandXML writer will result in that feature being interpreted as one of the above types of elements. Most of the above elements can occur more than once in a document, while others allow only a single element of that type. In the case that multiple features are written to an element type that only supports a single element per document, the first feature read will provide the data for that element, and subsequent features will dropped with a warning that the feature is not being written.