IBM Informix Non-Spatial Feature Representation

Features read from an Informix database consist of a series of attribute values. They have no geometry. The attribute names are as defined in theDEFline if the first form of theDEFline was used. If the second form of theDEFline was used, then the attribute names are as they are returned by the query, and as such may have their original table names as qualifiers. The feature type of each Informix feature is as defined on itsDEFline.

有destinat特征写入数据库ion table as their feature type, and attributes as defined on theDEFline.


When aDATEfield is read by the Informix reader, two attributes are set in the FME feature. The first attribute has the name of the database column, and its value is of the formYYYYMMDD. This is compatible with all other FME date and time values.

The second attribute has a suffix of.fulland is of the formYYYYMMDDHHMMSS. It specifies the date and the time, with the time portion specified using the 24-hour clock.

For example, if a date field calledUPDATE_DATEis read, the following attributes will be set in the retrieved FME feature:

UPDATE_DATE =’19980820’

The Informix writer looks for both attributes when aDATEorDATETIMEcolumn is being output. Either may be specified. If both attributes are specified, then the value specified in the.fullattribute takes precedence.