GPS eXchange Format (GPXX) Reader/Writer

Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.


GPX (the GPS Exchange Format) is a lightweight XML data format for the interchange of GPS data (waypoints, routes, and tracks) between applications and Web services on the Internet.

FME can read both GPX 1.0 and GPX 1.1, and write GPX 1.1.

The GPXX plug-in natively handles reading and writing of some Garmin GPX extensions. Extensions that are not natively handled will be read/written as XML fragments.



The GPX reader supports reading GPX 1.0 and 1.1 datasets. In addition, the reader has support for certain Garmin GPX extensions. The reader will handle which use the following XML namespaces:

Extensions in other XML namespaces will be read / written as XML fragments.

The GPX reader will always produce six feature types: Metadata, WayPoint, Route, RoutePoint, Track, and TrackPoint. The details of these feature types are described inFeature Types.



The reader will produce a RoutePoint/TrackPoint feature for each point along the Route / Track. These features will have attributes related to the individual points.

读取器将为沿路径的每个点生成RoutePoint功能。这些功能将具有与轨道上各个点相关的属性。每个RoutePoint功能都将有一个route_idattribute which identifies the route it belongs to. In addition, RoutePoint features will have aroute_point_indexattribute which identifies the point’s position in the route.

Note:The reader will produce a TrackPoint feature for each point along a track. These features will have attributes related to the individual points on the track. Each TrackPoint feature will have atrack_idattribute which identifies the track it belongs to, and atrack_segment这表明它属于哪个轨道的段。此外,每个TrackPoint功能都将有一个track_segment_point_indexattribute which identifies the point’s position in the segment.

Coordinate Systems

The GPX reader supports data in decimal degrees (WGS84 datum).

Writer Overview

GPXX编写器支持编写GPX 1.1数据集。作者希望使用FME功能以特定格式格式化。格式描述于Fixed Schema and Feature Representation.

The GPXX writer accepts only one Metadata feature; all other Metadata features are ignored and a warning is logged.

WayPoint features must have point geometry, or they will be ignored. The elevation attribute on WayPoint features will be ignored. Instead, the z-value of the point geometry will be used.

Route and Track features are handled according to the following process:

  1. If the Route / Track has aroute_id/track_idattribute, its geometry will be ignored. The route / track geometry will be written out based on the RoutePoint / TrackPoint features which share the sameroute_id/track_idvalue.
  2. If the Route / Track has noroute_id/track_id属性,几何图形将分成RoutePoint / TrackPoint功能。这些点功能将没有归因。

RoutePoint and TrackPoint features will be ignored if there is no corresponding Route / Track feature with the sameroute_id/track_idattribute value, or if they do not have point geometry. The elevation attribute on RoutePoint and TrackPoint features will be ignored. Instead, the z-value of the point geometry will be used.

RoutePoint features will be sorted according to the value of theirroute_point_index属性。如果不存在此属性,则该功能将按到达作者的顺序写出。如果有些功能有route_point_indexattribute and some do not, the features with the attribute will be written first, then those without the attribute.

TrackPoint features will be grouped based on the value of thetrack_segment属性。Features with the sametrack_segmentvalue will be written out as a single track segment. All features which don't have atrack_segmentvalue will be grouped into a single segment. Within each segment, features will be sorted according to the value of theirtrack_segment_point_index属性。如果不存在此属性,则该功能将按到达作者的顺序写出。如果有些功能有track_segment_point_indexattribute and some do not, the features with the attribute will be written first, followed by those without the attribute.

Coordinate Systems

The GPXX writer will only write data in decimal degrees (WGS84 datum). This is the EPSG:4326 coordinate system. All features passed to the writer will be reprojected to EPSG:4326 if this functionality is licensed. Features with no coordinate system are assumed to be in EPSG:4326.