OGC GeoPackage Reader/Writer

Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.


FME provides read and write access to GeoPackage files. GeoPackage files may contain multiple Vector Feature User Data Tables. FME treats these tables as feature types, and can read features from them, as well as write features to them. FME treats each column in a table as an attribute, and each row as a feature.

GeoPackage is an open standard from OGC that has been designed for use with mobile devices. GeoPackage is based on SQLite as an underlying data container, which makes it platform-independent and easy to copy or move, as well as giving it all the power of a fully-featured relational database management system.

More information about the GeoPackage standard can be found atwww.geopackage.org.

Usage Notes

The GeoPackage writer does not check geometry dimension constraints when writing to existing tables. Therefore, it is possible to write geometry with z values to a geometry column where no z values are allowed.

However, all tables created with FME can optionally contain z values, so features written to those tables will not violate dimension constraints.

The GeoPackage writer does not check geometry type constraints when writing to existing tables. Therefore, it is possible to write geometry of any type to any table, even when that geometry type should not be allowed.

However, all tables created with FME have the type “GEOMETRY”, which can contain any geometry type, so features written to those tables will not violate geometry type constraints.

At this time, the GeoPackage reader and writer do not support spatial indexes.

The GeoPackage reader and writer do not expose the integer primary key column for Vector Feature tables as an attribute.

Reader Overview

The GeoPackage reader supports reading multiple Vector Feature Tables from the same GeoPackage file. FME treats each table as a feature type, each row as a feature, and each column as an attribute.

The tables must be defined in the workspace before they can be read.

Writer Overview

The GeoPackage writer stores feature records into a Vector Feature Table within a GeoPackage file. The GeoPackage writer provides the following capabilities:

  • Table Creation
  • Table Overwrite

These are described inFormat Parameters.