FME Server Stream (Attribute) Reader Parameters

This wizard helps you specify connection parameters for FME Server. Workbench provides two connection methods for FME Server connections:

  • Direct Connection: The client and remote machines must be visible to each other, i.e., on the same network. In a secured network, a firewall may prevent a direct connection from being established
  • Web Connection: The client will make a connection to the FME Server using web requests.

For more information regarding connection types and credentials, contact your System Administrator.

Proxy Server

You can specify a proxy server for the FME Server web connection:

  1. Click Tools > FME Options> Network.
  2. ClickUse system proxy settings. If the proxy server requires authentication, enable the checkbox forProxy server requires authenticationand type the username, password, and authentication method.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Restart Workbench for the changes to take effect.

Connection Type


Click the Next button.

For versions FME 2012+: If you try to publish to an older version of FME Server, you will see a warning indicating that certain features may be lost or not be available.

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