Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (seeAbout Feature Type Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this topic.

ERDASRAW features specify a matrix of x, y, and z coordinates. For each raster, there will only be a single feature returned.

Attribute Name



This will always beerdasraw_raster.


This indicates whether the image is thematic or athematic. The valid values for this attribute are THEMATIC and ATHEMATIC.


This represents the extension to be used for the binary raster file that is written along with the ERDAS .raw header. The default is no file extension, there is also a feature type default parameter which may be set.


This represents the byte value of each byte in the header being written out. It must be an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. The default is zero, there is also a feature type default parameter which may be set.


This represents the number of bytes of the header in the file before where the actual raster data locates. It must be an integer and non-negative. The default is zero, there is also a feature type default parameter which may be set.


Sets the interleaving of the output file. Valid values areBILandBSQ. The default isBSQ. This is a writer attribute.


Sets the byte order of the output file. Valid values areMSB,LSB, andmachine(meaning the native byte order of the machine running FME). The default ismachine. This is a writer attribute.