Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) Writer

The Encapsulated PostScript®(EPS) Writer allows FME to write Encapsulated PostScript export files.

EPS is typically used for high-quality plots in desktop publishing software.


EPS is a two-dimensional (2D) system with no provision for storing user-defined attributes for the geometric data.

All EPS information is contained within one page, beginning with a version header as well as a bounding box definition. EPS is based upon the PostScript format which provides methods for graphical drawing, simple programming control structures, and the ability to create user-defined variables and functions.

All EPS data is contained in a single file with an.epsextension. This file contains all vector geometric data. The EPS writer supports export of lines, polygons, arcs, ellipses (ellipse/circle), and text geometric data.

Some geometric entities may have display properties such as pen and brush width, type, pattern, and color. Color may be specified in red/green/blue (RGB) as well as cyan/magenta/yellow/black (CMYK).

Writer Overview

The EPS writer creates and writes feature data to an EPS file specified by the Dataset parameter. An EPS file in the folder with the same file name is overwritten with the new feature data.