Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes listed below upon reading.

Attribute Name



The type of geometric entity stored within the feature:







arcgisonline_type: arcgisonline_point

功能标记这个值由singl组成e point.


arcgisonline_type: arcgisonline_multipoint

Features tagged with this value consist an aggregate of one or more points.


arcgisonline_type: arcgisonline_polyline

功能标记这个值由singl组成e line, a set of lines that form a continuous path, or a set of lines that are disjoint.


arcgisonline_type: arcgisonline_polygon

Features tagged with this value can be a single polygon, a donut polygon, or a multi-area comprised of single polygons, donuts, or both.

No geometry

arcgisonline_type: arcgisonline_no_geom

Features tagged with this value have no geometry. Features from tables have no geometry, whereas features from layers do.

Attribute Types

This section of the_DEFstatement defines the field types for a layer:

Column Type



Single fields store 32-bit floating point values.

There is no ability to specify the precision and width of the field.


Double fields store 64-bit floating point values.

There is no ability to specify the precision and width of the field.

esriFieldTypeInteger Integer fields store signed integers.
esriFieldTypeSmallInteger Small integer fields store 16-bit signed integers.
esriFieldTypeString(width) String fields store arbitrary string data, up to a specified size limit.

A date field stores date and/or time. It is represented as a UNIX timestamp within ArcGIS Online.

FME converts this format to theFME date/time format.

esriFieldTypeGUID(width) A globally unique identifier (GUID) field. The width is ignored. It is exposed to maintain parity with the ArcGIS REST API.
esriFieldTypeGlobalID(width) The Global ID field. Each feature type may define at most one field with this type. Its value is a GUID. The width is ignored. It is exposed to maintain parity with the ArcGIS REST API.